We provide high-value green building certifications, code compliance consulting, and testing to improve buildings and provide a clear pathway for architects, developers, and project teams to capitalize on federal and local incentive programs.

  • NGBS Emerald, Green Building Certification

    The Salem Cannery - Salem, Oregon

    New Construction and Adaptive Reuse of Truitt Cannery
    Details: 5 Blocks, 2 Market Rate Residential Buildings (393 Units
    Project Owner: The FuNd Works

    Architect: LRS Architects

    General Contractor: Deacon Construction
    NWECB’s Role: NGBS Emerald and Energy Star Certification
    Incentives: 45L Tax Credit, 179D Tax Deduction, ETO New Buildings Program and CPACE Loan

  • NGBS Certification, Energy Star, BIPOC Low Iincome Development

    Julia West - Downtown Portland, Oregon

    Low-income BIPOC Senior Housing
    Details: New Construction 12-story (90 Units)
    Project Owner: Community Development Partners
Architect: Holst Architecture, Inc.

    General Contractor: Walsh Construction
    NWECB’s Role: NGBS Gold and Energy Star Certification - ASHRAE Path
    Incentives: LIHTC, 45L Tax Credit, 179D Tax Deduction, ETO New Buildings Program, and PCEF Grant

  • ASHRAE 2019 Code Compliance, Blpower Door Testing,

    Ponds on Alexander - Eugene, Oregon

    Market Rate Housing - New Construction
    Details: 5 Buildings (181 units) and a 6,000 Sqft Clubhouse
    Project Owner: Umbrella Properties
    General Contractor: Essex Construction
    NWECB’s Role: 3rd-party Consulting
    Scope: OEESC 2021 Commercial Energy Code Compliance and Consulting

  • Modern three-story apartment building with gray siding, white trim, and small balconies, surrounded by neatly landscaped greenery under a clear blue sky.

    Timberview Apartments - Oregon City, Oregon

  • Two-story brown house surrounded by trees and lawn

    Walker Residence - Wilsonville, Oregon

  • GRRP

    333 SW Oak Street - Portland, Oregon